Have you ever stopped to think about what you are putting into your body and what effects it might be having? TMI Testing has opened up a whole new world to those who have had a wheat intolerance and not even realised. By taking one of our efficient intolerance tests, others have been able to plan for the future, feeling excited about the times ahead on a wheat free diet.

Many might think that having a wheat intolerance is the end of the world, as their diet was based solely on this ingredient. However, with a thorough testing process, our customers are able to figure out exactly what foods they are allergic to and what foods are beneficial to them.

In regard to developing a wheat intolerance, the way foods are made and the ingredients added to these items has improved no end thanks to technology and research. All around the world, there are many alternatives to products which contain wheat, and going on a wheat-free diet could be vital to a healthier lifestyle for many. Sampling through the many products, everyone can still enjoy an exciting diet, leading them to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with a healthy mind.

Although cutting out wheat can be a burden on some, those who are following a wheat-free diet due to their wheat intolerance can still eat rice, oats, corn, rye and barley. Cutting bread out may be a hard ask for some, but all supermarkets offer a wheat-free alternative, meaning that slice of toast in the morning can still be the perfect way to start your morning!

Overall, understanding that you are intolerant to wheat is not the end of the world that some people may see it. Therefore, it is vital that you partake in an intolerance test or a food sensitivity test, as what you are eating might be more of a hindrance than a help.

Helping you to gain a sense of what might be causing you pain or irritation is our expert team, all of whom ensure that TMI’s customers enjoy an excellent experience. If you think you might have a wheat intolerance yourself, then please do get in contact with the team at www.tmitesting.com.