You’ve ordered an intolerance test and want to know the next step Having received your results from your intolerance test, it is now time to take the next step; an elimination diet.

Doing an elimination diet

Over the next 28 days after your intolerance test, you will need to remove foods from your diet in order to alleviate your symptoms. At TMI Testing, we recommend that you take out any intolerant food items out of your diet, and avoid non-food items if possible.

If some of the items on your list are a regular staple of your diet, then you will need to eliminate these items from your diet completely. As the days go on, it may become slightly harder but don’t worry, the team at TMI Testing are here throughout your journey. To help you get started, you should check out this healthy recipe.

HEALTHY RECIPE: Strawberry Shortbread

Once you have received your results, it may be that you need to cut out some intolerant foods from your diet. If strawberries and shortbread are not on your report, then they will not be a part of your elimination diet and you can continue to eat them whenever you want.

This classic combination of summer meals, are a perfect treat for those of you who work so hard and deserve to treat yourself. They are also easy to make form home. Helping you as part of your elimination diet, this treat is also vegan, free from gluten, nuts, and soya (common food intolerance items). What is even better, is that it can be enjoyed with other fruits in case strawberries are listed on your report.


To make this wonderful and delicious dish, all you need is 400g of strawberries, as well as one and a half of a tablespoons icing sugar. Add half a teaspoon of vanilla essence, and 200g of thick coconut yoghurt. Adding flavour to the dessert is 100g coconut oil and 80g of banana, as well as 50g of sugar and 225g of gluten-free flour.

Method in the madness

1) Delicious and delightful, you need to heat the oven to 180C/160C fan.

2) Take half of the strawberries, chop them up into a bowl and then mix with a teaspoon of icing sugar. Before going on to prepare the shortbread, leave the strawberries in the fridge.

3) Cream the coconut oil, sugars and banana. You should then add the flour and form it into a sort of dough. From here, you can roll out onto a floured surface, and stamp out 16 circles with a pastry cutter.

4) Place in the oven for around 12 minutes until you see a slightly golden colour. You should then leave the shortbread to cool..

5) Take the coconut yoghurt and add the remaining icing sugar and the vanilla essence, adding flavour to the meal.

6) Assemble your shortbread just before serving.

7) Place one shortbread circle on a plate, smooth over for a couple of heaped teaspoons of coconut yoghurt mixture, before topping it with strawberries for taste and decoration. Sprinkle a bit of icing sugar over the dessert.

8) Do the same and then serve with the rest of the strawberries.

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