The big day is finally here – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are tying the knot. A day that is hailed as ‘the most important day of your life’ your wedding day can be stressful – the last thing a Bride or Groom needs is the added stress of worrying about food intolerances.

Although she claims she isn’t gluten intolerant, Meghan Markle does have a gluten-free diet and has been quoted in interviews before as having noticed the benefits of avoiding gluten.

She told Delish that she notices the biggest difference in her skin and energy levels when cutting gluten out completely, but even the soon-to-be-Royal family member has found herself nurturing a “food baby” due to indulging in her favourite pasta dish.

If your wedding day is looming, make like Markle and get a food sensitivity test from TMI Testing to establish whether you have any food intolerances – you shouldn’t need to worry about how to fit your bloat into your dress or suit!

The food sensitivity test will highlight any foods which may be triggering your symptoms. You should begin to eliminate these from your diet in order to stop your symptoms right before your wedding day. You will also need to make sure that your wedding caters are aware of any intolerances you or any of your guests may have – things such as dairy products or wheat can be hidden ingredients in foods that you wouldn’t expect to find them in, so make sure the chefs are aware of your intolerances.

In the week or so leading up to your big day, make sure you’re fuelling your body with bloat-busting things like lemon and ginger tea, and lots of fruit and vegetables and generally ‘light’ foods. Drink plenty of water and add either a slice of lemon – known to reduce the amount of salt retained in the body – or add a slice of cucumber which has anti-swelling properties.

Do you have a special occasion approaching and you want to establish your intolerances beforehand with a food sensitivity test? TMI Testing can help you. In just a few simple steps, we will test your sample of hair against food and non-food items and present a full comprehensive report of your results, helping you to understand exactly which foods you should be cutting out.

Plus, our expert team of customer service staff are available on Live Chat via our website 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Visit now!