IgG’s (intolerance) are highly reactive to frequency/quantity of a food in the diet. The science behind IgG’s expression is based on its short term memory. Some scientists say 6 weeks, other say 3 months memory. If a food is totally removed from the diet for this amount of time, the food on being retested comes up non reactive. By keeping that food in the diet, the memory is still there and so is the reaction. IgE’s (allergy) on the other hand are different and one would have a reaction within 2 hours. Medicine is still working on the concept that tiny amount of IgE reactive foods given over a controlled time and amount may be the answer to allergies. We have 2 different Immunoglobulin we are dealing with here and they should not be confused.
Home » FAQs » How do IgG tests work?
How do IgG tests work?
Aug 10, 23
by TMI Testing Staff
1 minute
This article was written by tmitesting_staff.
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