Throughout the year, whether it be winter, summer or autumn, food intolerances and sensitivities are constantly being spoken about. Celebrities are always swearing by gluten-free diets, with supermarkets now catering to a vast range of customers, as they offer vegan and free-from ranges. Nowadays, it is much more accessible to find products that don’t contain common intolerances, including wheat, gluten, and even red meat. Food sensitivity testing is able to help you identify what is causing your symptoms and therefore can help you alleviate your bloated stomach as you remove the offending foods from your diet.

What are food sensitivity symptoms?

Food sensitivities and food intolerances present the same symptoms to an individual, all of which do not tend to be as severe as symptoms of a food allergy. It is becoming a lot more common to discuss intolerance symptoms that you may be experiencing after eating certain foods, including nausea, fatigue and a bloated stomach.

What many people don’t know is that there are many other symptoms of food intolerance, including rashes and even eczema. So, could your eczema actually be caused by a food sensitivity or intolerance? You should try food sensitivity testing to find out. According to Allergy UK, there are up to 15 million people in the UK that could be living with eczema, but how many people know that their skin conditions are caused by a food sensitivity. If any of these items are a common part of your diet and you are also suffering from eczema, then you need to consider the fact that you may have a food intolerance.

What is eczema?

Many people do not understand what eczema is and are not sure of the cause of their skin irritations. There is sometimes a correlation between food intolerances and skin irritations, with a person’s skin sometimes becoming itchy and inflamed, as well as blistered and infected. Naturally, food intolerances and allergies can have a negative impact on someone’s quality of life, especially if they cause skin irritations, depression and even anxiety.

Although there are many over the counter and GP certified creams and ointments you can buy to relieve the symptoms, many people are not aware that the biggest change of all could happen by finding out if there is food at the root of the problem. Say hello to food sensitivity testing!

Understanding your symptoms

If you think you are starting to show symptoms of eczema, then it could be an allergy and we emphasise how important it is to seek professional advice from your GP in the first instance. However, if you can’t find the root cause of your eczema and have tried EVERYTHING then you should consider an intolerance test. Food sensitivity testing from TMI Testing could give you the answers which you require, and all you need to do is send us a sample of your hair.

The food sensitivity testing

We then test your hair samples in our labs against food and non-food items, before providing you with a comprehensive and detailed report of your results, and this highlights exactly which items you are intolerant to. You can eliminate these items from your diet, which then eliminates symptoms of eczema for good if you follow the elimination diet correctly. You should hopefully see a change in your skin.

Do you have any questions regarding food intolerances and food sensitivity testing? Our tests will help you feel happy and healthy again! Plus, our customer service team are available on Live Chat 24 hours a day, 5 days a week! Just log on to and we’ll do the rest for you!