Choose The Best Test For Your Body | TMI Testing

Could you be suffering from some of the most common allergies or intolerances?

Our essentials tests are the most competitive tests in the UK as they only tests key allergies and food intolerances. For as little as £47 you could discover which foods or environmental allergens are affecting your life.

Want to know what could be causing symptoms including:

Bloating, Migraines, Rashes, IBS, Fatigue, Asthma, Indigestion or joint pain?
Join over 9000 people every month that take control of their health by understanding the foods and environmental elements that cause reactions in their body.

Fast Results

UKCA & CE registered

No reaction moneyback

Accredited UK lab

Fast Results

UKCA & CE registered

No reaction moneyback

Accredited UK lab

Are your symptoms an allergy or food intolerance?


An allergy is an immune reaction to specific items the body has consumed or come into contact with. Allergic reactions are often fast and can range from mild to potentially life-threatening.
Common symptoms include rashes, swelling, severe cramps and vomiting.

Food intolerance

A food intolerance is a digestive issue where the body reacts to a food item that has been consumed. Food intolerance reactions can be uncomfortable and vary in the time they present themselves.
Common symptoms include bloating, stomach pain, diarrhoea and fatigue.

Verywell Health Logo

Voted “Best Overall Blood Allergy Test 2023”

Explore our products

Our essentials tests keep the cost low by only testing key allergies and intolerances making them the most competitive in the UK.
Plus all our tests are risk-free – If your results don’t show a validated reaction, you get your money back in full!

Essential Allergy Test


Essential Intolerance Test


Intolerance Test Extra


Allergy & Intolerance Test


4 simple steps to fast results:


Order the right test for you securely online.


Confirmation and instructions are emailed or kit sent.


Send your sample to our ISO-certified facilities.


Receive your results within 7 days from sample received.

Test Accreditation


How accurate is the test?
Our IgE antibody testing has a laboratory accuracy (reproducibility) of 99.8%. We use reproducibility to test our accuracy, as this means how many times you’ll get identical results when the same blood sample is tested. If you send the same sample every day for a week, there is a 99.8% chance that the results will be the same. Our IgG4 testing runs at 94% reproducibility.
Does taking the sample hurt?
Your kit includes two lancets to prick your fingers, which are designed to give you a very small pinprick to start the blood flow. A finger prick doesn’t hurt, however, we do have some tips if you’re worried. Prick the sides of your fingers as the sides of your fingers have fewer nerves and more blood vessels closer to the surface. Also, if you have to use more than one lancet, try alternating which fingers you prick. This prevents one specific finger from becoming sore.
Are my results confidential?
Your results are bespoke to you and therefore confidential. The tests are signed off by our lab manager to ensure we have followed our procedures, and the results are accurate. They are sent directly to the email you provided on the form and the free mobile app. These results are not seen by anyone else. They can be taken to your medical practitioner or nutritional therapist to discuss your results.
Why is it so cheap?
We test over 9000 tests at our laboratory every month and are one of the worlds biggest allergy and food intolerance blood testing labs. Our Essential tests only test for common allergies and intolerances to keep the cost low to you.
It’s risk-free!
If your allergy or food intolerance test doesn’t show a reaction from our expert laboratory testing, we will return your money making our test not only the most competitive on the market but totally risk-free to you!

TMI TESTING, Global Science Technology Ltd, Unit 1A Bonington Complex, Trent Lane, Derby, DE74 2PY. Copyright © 2023 Global Science